Taking Medicine when Pregnant

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

We were desperate. I was desperate! I knew right from the start that we would not making it through this illness easily. I was (at the time) 2 1/2 months pregnant and alone with 3 little kids to take care. It was bad. I called the doctor in the morning to beg for help. I explained that I was pregnant, had a history of miscarriage and had little kids in my care. Guess what, I was sent to a voice recording. (Yes, that was a whole separate can of worms right there.)

After leaving that message I simply switched to survival mode. Puke, drink, munch, doze, puke, drink, munch, doze… with only the occasional moment of changing a video for the kids or fielding a phone call from my Mom who felt unable to help. I was munching saltine crackers, sucking on hard candy (sugar helps reduce the nausea) and sipping water just desperate to keep anything in me. Nothing worked. And I mean NOTHING! I was not able to stand long enough to make jello so that was out of the question.

After 7 hours of this I FINALLY received a call back from Doctor’s office saying that had sent a prescription to my pharmacy. I called my Mom up in desperation and she went to pick it up at the Pharmacy that didn’t receive it and the doctor’s office was closed by the time she got there. (This day was a BLAST! Yes, I could have gone to ER but none of us were thinking clearly. It was all survival.)

After a series of events, I got the medicine. My Mom also brought fresh supplies to tempt my stomach to keep something down and relieved me of two of my kids leaving my poor oldest with me to help out. (I still cry thinking about Punk’s panic later that night.) So then the debate. I am pregnant. This is a prescription medication to make me stop vomiting my brains out but is it safe for the baby? Or is the illness worse?!

I took the medicine. I was on the verge of dehydration and that could be worse for a pregnancy sometimes. I didn’t know what else to do and I’ll even say that the medicine didn’t totally help either! I was still puking, but with less violence and not as often at least.

What would you have done? I am usually so very careful about medication when pregnant. I try to avoid it for the babies sake, but there are times that you have to take it. I do try and keep to the “safe to take while pregnant” medicine lists, but will even cut the dosage in half. I realize that some medication is passed through the blood stream to baby and that's why you have to be so careful. Have you taken medicine when pregnant?

Be sure to check out more of this series on Kids and Medicine!

Oh, and we are all fine now! Baby is a healthy growing toddler now and the kiddos and I are just battling a little head cold.

NOTICE: There is a link in this post that will take you away from my site. Always talk to your doctor about any medicines and medical conditions you may have.


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