Easy to Make Dish Washer Soap

Friday, March 01, 2013

IMAG0832I finally did it! After pinning dish washer soap recipes for months and ignoring all of them, I made dish washing soap and it WORKS! And better than that it’s EASY!

See, I coupon shop. I love my coupons. Or at least I have loved my coupons. I am becoming disenchanted with them though. I am disappointed with the products that I can get in the store on sale or deep discount. I don’t trust the companies selling these items anymore. Grrrr…

All of that is beside the point though. I feel oh so domestic and liberated from buying dish washer soap and frozen pizzas ever again! Wait… what? Oh right! Yes… I make all our pizza now and it’s faster than waiting for delivery.

Off topic again! It’s been awhile since I’ve blogged. Forgive me while I try and catch you up with all that’s been happening. Can’t squeeze it all in one post though….

There are so many recipes out there but they all have the same basic ingredients. Some recipes recommend lemonade packets for scent and using vinegar too. I chose not to use the lemonade packets because there is a warning that it may turn the inside of your dishwasher yellow. UGH! I don’t want that. I think this is working great without the extra fruity scent.
Easy to Make Homemade Dishwasher Soap Recipe:
1/2 C Borax
1/2 C Super Washing Soda
1/4 C Lemi Shine (heaping)
1/8 C Kosher Salt

I add 1 Tbsp of this mix to my dishwasher soap dispenser. I add a sprinkling of lemi shine on top of that. Instead of putting vinegar in the rinse aid area I add another 1/2 Tbsp or less of this mix again. I have found that JUST using vinegar makes cloudy glasses but when I started adding more lemi shine the cloudiness stopped.

Note: Some report clumping in their homemade soap and I have found this happen before too. I found that making smaller batches seems to help prevent clumping though. I reuse a Lemi Shine container for my soap mixture now and that makes for easy dispensing too. Making smaller batches will help you to adjust the recipe to your water needs too.

If you have hard water, up the amount Lemi Shine and Kosher Salt to help.

If you want to make MORE of this soap at a time, double or triple the recipe above. I don’t want that much sitting around because I intend to use these products for other things still.

Let me know if you try it and what you think of it!
I’d love to know if you are making any adjustments to this or not too.

NOTICE: Updated January 15, 2014


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