Why I Love...

Thursday, February 04, 2010

Why I Love Being Pregnant!

This whole pregnancy has been a tough one for me due to various issues. I've not taken enough time to enjoy it and soon I am going to miss the whole thing if I don't change my attitude!

Sooo... why do I love being pregnant?

I love being able to EAT all sorts of weird things and no one even bats an eye!

I love hearing the heartbeat at every and all appointments. I want to own one of those doppler thingies so I can listen to it at home. I think a recording of just my babies heartbeats would be the most soothing thing to listen to on my MP3.

I love feeling the first kick and realizing just what it is!

I love figuring out where all the feet, knees, toes, hands, elbows and the little bottom are as the baby is squirming around.

I love when it looks like there is an ALIEN in my stomach because it just decides to move all on it's own!

I love reading that home pregnancy test and that it reads POSITIVE! If a home pregnancy test reads positive for me, that means we will KEEP it! (I've had quite a few first trimester miscarriages. My hormone's don't always work right the first trimester.)

I actually do love (in a small way) the feeling of nausea I get in the first trimester. It means my hormones are working. Hehe.. After that, I could leave the nausea for someone else. Hehe...

I love keeping the name we have chosen as a SECRET for the first few months. I'm not allowed to keep it much longer than that anymore. Too many people are anxious to spill the beans anymore.)

Or better yet, I love listening to the OTHER kiddo's name suggestions. HAHAHAHA
"No, we are not going to name the baby Flicka. And Daddy, it's even less funny when you add Booger as the middle name." (Do you get it? Silly family!)

So what are some of YOUR reasons Why you Love being Pregnant???


Anjanette said...

Thanks for the great topic and reminder to be thankful!

Ganeida said...

I love that you fixed Jeanne's blog "A Peaceful Day". Thank you! ☺

singing mama said...

Ooohh I love being pregnant !! I will join your blog carnival just as soon as I get the time to write the post.
Luv Donna

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