Big Garden Plans: Step One...

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Just the other day I asked my oldest, "What should we plant in our garden this year?"

"There's snow everywhere!"

"Yes, but we need to think ahead to when there is no snow. Plus, with baby coming we have to try and be more prepared so that we will actually plant something. What did you like most last year?"

Of course I already knew that some of the top favorites were Sugar Snap Peas, Green Beans, Sunflowers, Strawberries and Tomatoes. I wanted a bit more information because I am going to try to cut back and yet expand the garden all at the same time. Are ya with me here? I should just throw myself against a brick wall, right? I want more room in the garden to plant herbs. I had every intention of moving the raspberries and blueberry bush to another area to try and "tame" them. (HA! Like that will happen!) And yet, I want to cut back on what I am planting. Silly me...

Well the big discussion (that always gets me in trouble) are the tomatoes. Last year I planted 9 varieties of tomatoes! I can't stand it. I see a tomato variety that looks like it could be tasty and I want to try it. We had Yellow Pear, Beefsteak, Roma, Early Girl, Mr Stripey, Super Sweet 100 Cherry, Cold Set, Black Russian and Red Zebra. Sadly many of my varieties did not do well at all. I am not sure if it was me, the soil or the weather. I am heavily blaming the weather. (Hey, now let me have my moment! Hehe...) Our weather last year was too cold for tomatoes to really want to grow. They like it HOT! Our beans, peas and lettuce did great though. So my conversation with Punk continued:

"Okay, well... What about tomatoes? What were your favorite tomatoes from last year?"

"All of them."

"You are just no help."

(Insert impish grin from child here.)
Sigh... so what to do... I need to start planning!

Are you getting started on planning your garden???


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