The Garden - In All it's Glory...

Thursday, May 07, 2009

The babies got a little time outside again today. YAY! I also took pictures of the entire garden area today for a little "show and tell".

I have been Square Foot Gardening for about 5 years now. I do not have any pictures of our first garden at our old house, but we started out with 4 raised 4x4 beds separated by a 3 foot walk between them all and barrel in the middle filled with strawberries. It was nothing fancy, but wow the tomtatoes I would get! Crazy! Our old yard had LOTS of trees so it was partial shade and that may have helped a bunch. Just last year we transplanted some of our little saplings we brought from our old home here at our new house. I am still amazed that those saplings lived as long as they did in a barrel filled with dirt! Tough little tree's!

Our current garden was put up last year by my dearest love! It's a wonderful garden and I have already outgrown it. HAHAHAHA I laid out the plans to him early last year so we set aside funds for getting it started... of course, it did not get started as early as we would have hoped, but it got done.

Here is our garden getting put together. The "man plant" in the picture is all mine. HAHHHHAHA I about fell outta my chair when a friend of mine asked me, "hey, where do you get a man plant like that one? I want one too." Tooooo funnie!


Here's a view of the garden when it was completed last year. I am sorry to say we did not get enough soil in there that year, but we worked with what we did get. The budget would not allow anything more. Sigh... Our plants did pretty well though. This year our boxes are filled to the top! Nice black dirt... YAY!


Here's a quick look down on the tomatoes we had last year too. I used twine to measure my square feet that year... this year I am able to visualize it a bit better and not using any strings or anything. I'm also not planting my beds as full though either. This year I am branching out with a lot of variety of plants so I am focusing on what we like the best and stuff.


And here is our garden today:


The blueberry bush is in the middle next to the watering can. There are two beds that have nothing in them yet, because they are awaiting the tomatoes and peppers. I have been working on hardening them off this week.


Here is a side shot showing the strawberry bed, which has gone nutso this year. I already have the bird netting in place over them and I'm anxiously awaiting that first strawberry. This is their second year so we should get quite a few. So exciting! Behind the strawberry bed are Kholarbi, Okra and our Russian Black tomato. I have room in here for one more tomato plant. Behind that bed are the raspberries! They have also gone wild this year. The red raspberries are taking over the whole bed! We also have a blackberry bush and two gold raspberries, which are my absolute favorites!


Down this side is the flower bed sorta thing... haha... I have some sunflowers planted in here yet to come. The empty bed is for the peppers, the asparagus bed is right behind them. Then there are beans, corn and peas. The very top bed this year is lettuce, romaine, cabbage and swiss chard. OH and the pink pot is full of chocolate mint!!! It's divine!

So that's the grand tour! I will try and post pictures again later in the year as it all gets overrun and away from me... I mean as it grows and produces! Hehehe! I really have a bad track record of keeping up on it wonderfully in the beginning and not so well later. I think it will be different this year though... I am really focusing on things differently. We will see...


DigiMom said...

Wow, I love your garden! Great design with tiered raised beds. Looks perfect for the kiddos to help on the lower levels. Thanks for sharing pictures! I hope you post about your gardening adventures this year.

Did you fill the tallest raised bed with dirt the whole way to the ground or did you put plywood or something in there so it wasn't so deep? Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

Hey there!

Thanks for the comment! I think Hubbie did an excellent job putting our garden together for us. I love it! I am continuing posts with my gardening adventures for sure. Just click on the Garden link on the menu to see the latest news. :)

As for that DEEP box. It's all dirt. Hehe... Granted the dirt at the bottom of the box wasn't so great when we put it there, but the top 6 inches is wonderful dirt. It was easier for us to fill it that way.

Take care!

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